Anjou LIVE Visualization

Anjou LIVE Visualization

Five hours and 50 minutes of music and dialogue recorded live at the 4-1/2 Day GOLDZONE Leaders’ Academy Symposium in January 2006.

Join us on a journey through dance, movement, and music. Connect with your physical, spiritual, and emotional self. Weave your future from your future self.

Led by Anjou MacPherson.

We suggest you follow the music and instructions and do the exercises.

If you have time, listen to each day in sequence over four days in the morning to start your day.

Repeat the audio as many times as you want! We play them nonstop in the background and overnight while sleeping.

↓↓↓ The audio and playlist are below ↓↓↓

Day One:

  • 43 Mins.
  • Gentle movement to stretch and connect with your body.
  • Effortless and painless. Just slightly pushing your limits.
  • Bringing yourself to center.
  • Wealth starts with an abundance of energy!
  • What is your relationship with your body?
  • Wealth is physical and metaphysical and can only be enjoyed through your body.
  • Write a letter to your body.

Day Two:

  • 1 hour.
  • Appreciation for yourself.
  • What did you do yesterday to nourish your body?
  • You are making the choice and have created your life exactly as it is now.
  • Consciously create your life the way you want.
  • Only one person is controlling, abusing, having harsh expectations, and being critical of you, and that is you!
  • Commit to being more self-accepting.
  • Choose differently.
  • Anything others share is just their opinion.
  • Your life must be working more than 99% of the people not here.
  • Live your life with a sense of appreciation and acknowledgment.
  • Embrace the opportunity to gain more awareness.
  • Flow like water.
  • Stretching and most of 360º we cannot see.
  • Imagine a ball of light and a laser beam!
  • You are perfect right now, so release all your expectations of yourself.
  • Move your body from your comfort zone to freedom.
  • Between mind and heart.

Day Three:

  • 1 hour 17 mins.
  • Open up to the possibility of having your dream life.
  • Notice any thoughts, doubts, or fears that arise (without judgment.)
  • Are your feelings excitement, enthusiasm, hopefulness, or thoughts of not possible, that’s for someone else; there’s no such thing.
  • What reality have you been creating?
  • Who has been creating your reality? Your past, present, or future?
  • If you only believe what you can see, you have been creating from your past.
  • People holding you to your past.
  • Captaining a ship by looking at the wake!
  • The past is limited! What kind of reality can you create from the past?
  • What if you could step inside yourself and imagine it was ten years into the future?
  • Observe yourself right now as you are from your future-self perspective.
  • How much of your future-self can you see?
  • What guidance would you give yourself?
  • What would your life be like if every choice included this future-self?
  • You can create a better reality from the future than the past.
  • The future will happen by agreement.
  • It is powerful to create together in partnerships, teams, and groups!
  • What is your money supporting?
  • The more you include the survival of everyone, the greater the flow of your life!
  • Commit your future-self and let go of the past.
  • The rules of manifestation work differently from the rules of acquisition.
  • The greatest contribution you can make is to be a fully-alive, happy, and integrated human being.

Day Four:

  • 1 hour 45 mins.
  • Review of your experience so far.
  • Notice your relationship with your body today vs a few days ago.
  • How much play do you have in your life?
  • Be the captain of your own ship, full of passion, desire, and enthusiasm.
  • Is money leading you, or are you leading money?
  • What is your relationship with money?
  • Are you paralyzed or full of creativity in the ways you can make money?
  • Are you saving for your future-self?
  • Investing in our future is communicating with our future-self.
  • Make a commitment now to have a fully-expressed relationship with money.
  • Harmony with how I make, spend, save, invest, and am generous with money.
  • You have a choice!
  • Fully-expressed with money means you can be an employee, self-employed, business owner, and investor! Fully inclusive.
  • Know and understand business.
  • Not abdicating responsibility to financial specialists.
  • Understand the financial market and vehicles.
  • Money as a game.
  • Win the game! You may have a few losses, but you will win overall.
  • Celebrate your money wins.
  • Every dollar you spend contributes to someone else’s resources.
  • The more you spend, the more the economy grows.
  • Write love notes when you issue payments.
  • What happens when you pay bills early?
  • Asking what the best thing for you to buy is!
  • Optimum isn’t minimum or maximum.
  • How many money interactions do we have daily?
  • Try tipping someone more than their monthly pay!
  • The most important people are those who serve you every day!
  • How harmonious is your circle of money?
  • and much more!

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

All Four Days Playlist

The Goldzone Foundation supports a variety of non-profit projects, including sponsoring artists and musicians, inspiring community leaders, medical research, diet and nutrition, preventative medicine, chronic disease prevention, and management.